Simple Apple Compote

This delicious cinnamon apple compote goes together quickly and easily and is endlessly versatile. It elevates any dessert, toast, or pastry quickly and is ever so elegant.

Peach Cobbler

Apple compote is an elegant and sophisticated alternative to apple sauce or apple butter and has an air of a Paris bakery. Distinguished from jams and preserves by its chunky texture, apple compote holds its shape. Best if slow-cooked; it tends to be spicy and sweet, with the tartness coming when you bite into the apple chunks. I prefer using Granny Smith apples or any other of the more firm varieties. Stay away from softer apples such as Macintosh. They will bread down too quickly and form an apple sauce!

Apple compote always sounded too fancy to make until I tried it, and I was pleasantly surprised at how simple and easy it is to make. There are a couple of tricks to making it just right, but they’re easy enough, and I’ll discuss that later in this blog post. For now, let’s get started by peeling some apples!

A vegan food journal with fresh, delicious recipes.

Hello, I'm Denise.

I love to eat, garden, travel, and do yin yoga! I make plant-based recipes and photograph them from my 1920’s, remodeled apartment in Rhode Island. I've always loved fresh basil. Put some fresh basil leaves on a piece of cardboard, drizzle on a little olive oil and sea salt, and I'd be tempted to eat it! ❤️

Peach Cobbler

Simple Apple Compote Ingredients

You probably have these ingredients in your pantry!

    • Apple – Of course! I use Granny Smith apples for this recipe because they are tart and hold their shape well under heat. Avoid softer apples like Macintosh, which will quickly break down into apple sauce.
    • Brown Sugar – I love brown sugar and use it in this recipe. Alternatively, you can use cane sugar, honey, or maple syrup. However, brown sugar is the best here because it beautifully plays off the spices.
    • Cinnamon – Cinnamon, and apple are a classic combination. Use it sparingly, so it doesn’t overtake the taste of the apples, though!
    • Nutmeg – Nutmeg brings a spicy sweetness that will enhance and not overpower your apples. Again, use sparingly.
    • Sea Salt – Helps all the other flavors pot!
    • Water – If needed.
Peach Cobbler

How To Make Simple Apple Compote

So simple you’ll wish you’d made it sooner.

Step One: Peel those apples. This recipe calls for at least six large Granny Smith apples, yielding about 2 1/2 cups of compote.

Step Two: Combine all ingredients in a saucepan at medium heat and cook for 15 minutes, but not so long that the apples lose shape and break down.

Peach Cobbler

Step 3: Remove from heat and let cool. Store in a glass jar for up to two weeks.


Peach Cobbler

Simple Apple Compote Frequently Asked Questions

    • What are the best apples? I use Granny Smith apples because they hold their shape and won’t break down into apple sauce. You can also use Honey Crisp, Pink Lady, or Braeburn apples.
    • Can I change out the spices? Of course! Experiment with spices that will bring out the flavor of your apples. Cardamon is one example.
    • Do I have to use sugar or sweetener? No! The apples and spices are delicious without sugar! I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so I add brown sugar!
Peach Cobbler

Apple Compote Cooking Tips

These little tips yield the perfect apple compote.

    • Don’t overcook the apples! Use a firm apple and don’t overcook; your compote will break down and become apple sauce.
    • Slow Cook – I add a bit of water, and for about 3 minutes, I stir while on medium to high heat. Then I set the burner back to low and let the compote slow cook, so the spices and sugar absorb into the chunky apple pieces.
    • Light on the spices! It’s easy to overdo it with cinnamon, especially. While cinnamon and apples are a classic combination, too much cinnamon can overtake your apple compote! Use sparingly!
Peach Cobbler

Apple Compost Serving Suggestions

Apple compost elevates almost any dish.

    • Apple Crisp Stuffed French Toast – A mouthwatering addition to any breakfast or brunch
    • On toast – Simple and delicious
    • Over ice cream – Perfect combination
    • On pancakes – Piled high on your favorite pancakes!
    • Apple Turnover – Add this to the center of your puff pastry, and voila, you have the perfect apple turnover.

I have a jar of apple compote on the door of my fridge most of the time. It has endless uses! I’ve even put it on rice before AND hashbrowns. It’s the unexpected uses that are the most fun! But for now, if you try out this recipe, let me know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!

Simple Apple Compote

Easy Apple Compote

Denise Keniston - Basil Lover
This delicious cinnamon apple compote goes together quickly and easily and is endlessly versatile. It elevates any dessert, toast, or pastry quickly and is ever so elegant.
5 from 3 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
20 minutes
Servings 2 people


  • 6 Granny Smith apples
  • 1/8-1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp water, if needed
  • pinch sea salt


  • Peel the apples. This recipe calls for at least six large Granny Smith apples, yielding about 1 1/2 cups of compote.
  • Combine all ingredients in a saucepan at medium heat and cook for 15 minutes, but not so long that the apples lose shape and break down.
  • Remove from heat and let stand.
  • Store in glass jar for up to two weeks.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


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