Growing and Preparing Meslcun Salad Mix 

Discovering how to grow and harvest crisp, fresh mesclun salad mix truly changed my way of eating and enjoying salads! This mix can be expensive at the market but, it is SO inexpensive to grow yourself!

Peach Cobbler

It’s no surprise that my garden-fresh mesclun salad mix has become a sensation among my family and friends. My mesclun salad mix orchestrates a symphony of flavors in each salad, leaving everyone in awe of the delectable variations. In some way, my garden has become a magnet for my daughter Riann who can’t resist checking out the source of these delicious, nutritious bites.

Thanks to the organic Mesclun mix from Eden’s Seed Company, my salads bloom with a kaleidoscope of colors and textures. The arugula adds a peppery kick, while the mustard black knight and mustard mizuna lime streaks infuse a delightful tanginess. The deep hues of kale-red Russian add an earthy richness to the mix. The result is a bowl of freshness, crispness, and vibrancy that refuses to wilt quickly, leaving every bite as delightful as the first. With Eden’s mesclun mix, you’ve unlocked the secret to a continuous supply of tender, nutrient-packed greens, perfect for your daily salad creations. As the seasons change, you already have plans to extend the magic into your fall garden, ensuring that your Mesclun salad mix remains a cherished tradition throughout the year.

You can see my Spring garden layout (including basil), seed choices, and each planting here in my Garden to Table Section.

A vegan food journal with fresh, delicious recipes.

Hello, I'm Denise.

I love to eat, garden, travel, and do yin yoga! I make plant-based recipes and photograph them from my 1920’s, remodeled apartment in Rhode Island. I've always loved fresh basil. Put some fresh basil leaves on a piece of cardboard, drizzle on a little olive oil and sea salt, and I'd be tempted to eat it! ❤️

Mesclun Mix, Roasted Chickpeas, and Microgreens Salad

Reasons You’ll LOVE Fresh Mesclun Mix

Ah! So crispy, fresh, and nutritious!

    • An Abundance of Fresh Greens – Growing mesclun salad mix in your garden means you’ll always have an abundant supply of fresh, tender baby salad greens at your fingertips.
    • Versatility in Salad Making – With a diverse mix of lettuces, arugula, mustard greens, and kale, you can create endless variations of delicious and nutritious salads to suit your preferences.
    • Easy to Grow – Mesclun is relatively easy to grow, making it a perfect choice for experienced and novice gardeners.
    • Continuous Harvesting – As a “cut-and-come-again” crop, mesclun allows you to harvest leaves continuously, ensuring a steady supply of fresh greens throughout the growing season.
    • Space-Saving – Ideal for small gardens or container gardening, mesclun’s compact growth habit makes the most of limited space.
    • Quick Maturity – Mesclun greens mature relatively quickly, allowing you to enjoy your homegrown salads in a matter of weeks from sowing the seeds.
    • Cost-Effective – Growing your mesclun salad mix can save money compared to purchasing pre-packaged salad greens from the store.
    • No Waste – Harvest only what you need, reducing food waste and ensuring you enjoy the freshest greens possible.
    • Organic and Chemical-Free – When you grow your own mesclun, you have complete control over the growing process, allowing you to ensure your greens are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides.
    • Connection to Nature – Gardening and tending to your mesclun mix offers a rewarding and therapeutic experience, connecting you to the natural world and promoting well-being.
    • Eco-Friendly Choice – By growing your own greens, you reduce the carbon footprint of transporting store-bought produce, making it eco-friendly.
    • Taste and Texture – Nothing compares to the taste and texture of garden-fresh mesclun salad mix, offering a flavor explosion and crispness that elevates your salads to a new level.
    • Educational and Fun – Gardening with mesclun is a fun and educational activity for families and children, teaching them the joys of growing their food.
    • Delight Your Guests – Impress your guests with salads made from your homegrown mesclun, turning any meal into a culinary delight.
    • Personalized Selection: Customize your mesclun mix with your favorite greens, ensuring each harvest caters to your tastes.
Mesclun Mix, Roasted Chickpeas, and Microgreens Salad

How to Grow Mesclun Salad Mix

Mesclun Salad Mix is very easy to grow! 

    • Choose a Suitable Location – Select a sunny location in your garden or use containers if space is limited. Mesclun salad mix thrives in well-draining soil and prefers at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily.
    • Prepare the Soil – Loosen the soil using a garden fork and add compost or well-rotted manure to improve fertility and drainage. Rake the soil to create a smooth surface for planting.
    • Sow the Seeds – Scatter the mesclun seeds directly on the soil surface or in shallow furrows about 1/4 inch deep. Space the seeds evenly, ensuring even growth and easy harvesting.
    • Watering –Keep the soil consistently moist by watering regularly. Avoid overwatering; mesclun greens prefer slightly moist soil, not waterlogged conditions.
    • Successive Planting – Practice successive planting by sowing new seeds every few weeks for a continuous harvest. This ensures a steady supply of fresh greens throughout the growing season.
    • Cut-and-Come-Again Harvesting – When the mesclun leaves reach a desirable size (usually 3-4 inches long), harvest them by cutting the outer leaves with clean scissors or shears. Leave the inner leaves to continue growing, and they will replenish the plant for future harvests.
    • Temperature Considerations – Mesclun prefers cooler temperatures and may bolt (go to seed prematurely) in hot weather. Plan your plantings for spring and fall when temperatures are milder.
    • Pest Control – Monitor for common garden pests like aphids, slugs, and caterpillars. Use natural remedies or organic pest control methods if necessary.
    • Companion Planting – Consider planting herbs like dill, basil, or cilantro alongside your mesclun. These herbs can help deter pests and improve the flavor of your salad greens.
    • Protect from Heat – Provide shade or use row covers during hot weather to protect the tender mesclun greens from direct sunlight, which can cause wilting and bolting.
    • Harvesting Flowers – If some mesclun plants bolt and produce flowers, don’t fret! The flowers are edible and can add a unique touch to your salads.
    • Save Seeds – To continue growing mesclun, consider saving some mature plants to produce seeds for your next planting season.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a thriving and bountiful mesclun salad mix garden, providing you with a continuous supply of fresh and nutritious greens to enjoy throughout the growing season.

Seed Variations for Mesclun Salad Mix

Have some fun with this, and make your own combinations!

    • Classic Mesclun Mix – Combine equal parts of baby lettuces like green and red oak leaf, butterhead, and romaine, along with arugula and spinach for a well-rounded and flavorful mix.
    • Spicy Mix – Add a kick to your mesclun with arugula, mustard greens (green and red varieties), and watercress. This combination will bring a peppery and spicy flavor to your salads.
    • Asian Greens Mix – Mix tatsoi, mizuna, and bok choy for an Asian-inspired blend of tender and slightly mustardy greens, perfect for adding an authentic touch to your salads.
    • Herbaceous Mix – Incorporate baby spinach, cilantro, and dill seeds for a herb-infused mesclun mix that adds fresh and fragrant notes to your salads.
    • Nutty Delight – Combine baby lettuces with sunflower seeds, toasted almonds, and sesame seeds for a nutty and crunchy mix that elevates your salads.
    • Colorful Medley – Mix red leaf lettuce, radicchio, and red mustard greens with your classic mesclun mix for a visually stunning and bright blend.
    • Superfood Boost – Introduce nutrient-dense microgreens like broccoli, kale, and radish to your mesclun mix to boost vitamins and minerals.
    • Tropical Escape – Incorporate amaranth greens, corn salad (mache), and sorrel for a tropical-inspired mix that adds a touch of uniqueness to your salads.
    • Italian Garden – Combine baby romaine, frisee, and radicchio with basil seeds for an Italian-inspired mesclun mix that pairs perfectly with tangy balsamic vinaigrette.
    • Tex-Mex Fusion – Mix baby lettuces with cilantro and cress seeds for a Tex-Mex twist, ideal for pairing with avocado, black beans, and roasted corn in your salads.

Feel free to adjust the ratios of each seed to suit your taste preferences and the availability of seeds. Experimenting with different combinations allows you to create a mesclun salad mix that is perfectly tailored to your palate, providing you with a fresh and unique salad experience every time you harvest your greens.

    Peach Cobbler

    Mesclun Salad Mix Pests and Bugs 

    Mesclun salad mix can be susceptible to certain pests and bugs.

      • Aphids – These small, soft-bodied insects can cluster on the underside of leaves, sucking sap and causing wilting. Use a strong stream of water to dislodge aphids from the plants or apply insecticidal soap for severe infestations.
      • Slugs and Snails – These pests can munch on mesclun leaves, leaving behind irregular holes. Set up beer traps or use copper tape around the garden bed to deter slugs and snails.
      • Cabbage Worms – Caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly can feed on mesclun leaves, leaving behind chewed areas. Handpick and remove the caterpillars, or apply Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) as a natural pesticide.
      • Flea Beetles – These small jumping beetles can cause small holes in the leaves. Use floating row covers to protect young plants or apply neem oil as a natural repellent.
      • Leafhoppers – Leafhoppers can cause stippling or yellowing of leaves. Spray a mixture of water and insecticidal soap to deter these pests.
      • Cutworms – These caterpillars can sever young mesclun seedlings at the base. Use cutworm collars or diatomaceous earth around the plants to create a barrier.
      • Cabbage Loopers – These caterpillars can create larger holes in leaves. Handpick and remove them, or apply Bt as a natural control method.
      • Sowbugs and Pillbugs – These crustaceans can feed on young seedlings. Remove debris around the garden and use traps to manage their population.
      • Thrips – Thrips can cause silvering or bronzing of leaves. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to control their numbers.
      • Slugs and Snails –These pests can munch on mesclun leaves, leaving behind irregular holes. Set up beer traps or use copper tape around the garden bed to deter slugs and snails.

    Regular monitoring of your mesclun salad mix plants and practicing good garden hygiene help keep these cauliflower pests at bay.

    Mesclun Mix, Roasted Chickpeas, and Microgreens Salad

    How to Prepare Mesclun Salad Mix

    Preparing mesclun salad mix is quite easy.

      • Wash the Greens – Begin by washing the mesclun salad mix thoroughly. Fill a large bowl with cold water and submerge the greens. Gently swish them around to remove any dirt or debris. Drain the water and repeat the process if needed. Spin the greens in a salad spinner or pat them dry with a clean kitchen towel to remove excess moisture.
      • Tear or Cut the Greens – If the mesclun leaves are large, tear them into bite-sized pieces. Alternatively, you can use kitchen shears or a sharp knife to cut them into smaller, manageable pieces.
      • Add Optional Add-Ins – To enhance the flavor and texture of your salad, add optional ingredients like halved cherry tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, creamy avocado, toasted nuts or seeds, dried fruits, or crumbled cheese. Feel free to get creative and use your favorite toppings.
      • Drizzle with Dressing – Just before serving, drizzle your favorite salad dressing over the mesclun salad mix. Start with a small amount and toss the salad gently to coat the greens evenly. Add more dressing if needed, but avoid overdressing the salad.
      • Serve and Enjoy – Transfer the prepared mesclun salad mix to individual serving plates or a large salad bowl. Serve immediately and enjoy the crisp and refreshing flavors of your homemade salad.

    Customize your mesclun salad mix with seasonal ingredients and toppings to keep it fresh and exciting. For added protein, consider adding grilled chicken, shrimp, tofu, or boiled eggs to transform the salad into a satisfying meal. Use a variety of dressings to change the flavor profile of the salad, ensuring every meal is a delightful experience. Enjoy your mesclun salad mix as a light and nutritious lunch, a refreshing side dish, or an accompaniment to your favorite main course.

    Roasted Cauliflower

    How to Serve Mesclun Salad Mix

    This interesting salad is great as a side dish or on its own. Here are some ideas for servings.

    • Dairy-Free Stuffed Shells – These dairy-free stuffed shells are cheesy, flavorful comfort food. They’re filled with my homemade vegan ricotta cheese, fresh spinach, lemon zest, and a pinch of salt.
    • Grilled Tofu One tasty way to cook tofu is to grill it and by adding fresh veggies like onions and peppers you can really make it interesting. You can eat grilled tofu as a meal, or side dish, or tuck it in a pita pocket. It’s versatile!
    • Homemade Bread – This homemade loaf  bread requires only five ingredients. Soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside, it’s a specialty of our resident baker, Riann!
    • Pasta Primavera – Pasta primavera is a delicious medley of pasta, fresh vegetables, and savory sauce that tantalizes the taste buds with its flavorful and satisfying combination. We put a vegan, dairy-free spin on this classic American dish; the flavor is amazing!
    • Cherry Tomato Pasta – This Cherry Tomato Pasta is the perfect summer dinner. It’s filling and delicious and spotlights fresh, in-season cherry tomatoes. It’s full of flavor and bursty tomatoes which everyone is sure to enjoy.

    If you decided to try this recipe please do let us know in the comments below.

    Learn How to Grow More Vegetables in Your Home Garden

    Simple, easy-to-follow guides for beginner gardeners. 

    Click here for many more beginning how-to posts, including lettuce, corn, squash, and more!

    Mesclun Mix, Roasted Chickpeas, and Microgreens Salad

    Denise Keniston - Basil Lover
    Fresh, crunchy, crispy, tasty - the Mesclun Mix, Roasted Chickpeas, and Microgreens Salad has it all@ Experimentation and creativity are at play with this tasty and textured early spring salad. I used what was in the garden, whipped up a vinaigrette dressing and the rest is history!
    5 from 1 vote
    Prep Time 28 minutes
    Course Appetizer, Salad, Side Dish



    • Prepare Roasted Chickpeas – If you haven’t already roasted the chickpeas, preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Rinse and drain canned chickpeas, pat them dry, and toss with olive oil, paprika, cumin, garlic powder, and a pinch of salt. Spread them evenly on a baking sheet and roast for about 20-25 minutes or until golden and crispy. Set them aside to cool.
    • Wash and Prepare Greens –Thoroughly wash the mesclun, microgreens, and any other fresh greens you use. Spin them dry in a salad spinner or gently pat them dry with a clean kitchen towel. Tear larger leaves into bite-sized pieces.
    • Prepare Lemon Vinaigrette – In a small bowl (or in the actual large salad bowl), whisk together the lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, Dijon mustard, honey or agave (for a vegan option), and a pinch of salt and pepper. Adjust the seasoning to your taste.
    • Assemble the Salad – In a large salad bowl, combine the mesclun, fresh greens, and microgreens. Toss them gently to mix evenly.
    • Add Roasted Chickpeas – Sprinkle the roasted chickpeas over the greens mixture, distributing them evenly for that satisfying crunch.
    • Drizzle with Lemon Vinaigrette – Pour the lemon vinaigrette over the salad. Start with a small amount and add more as needed. Toss the salad gently until all the ingredients are coated with the dressing.
    • Add Optional Toppings – If using optional toppings like sliced avocado, toasted nuts or seeds, crumbled feta cheese or vegan alternative, or dried cranberries, sprinkle them over the salad just before serving.
    • Serve and Enjoy –Transfer the Mesclun, Roasted Chickpeas, and Microgreens salad to individual plates or a serving platter. Serve immediately and savor the delightful blend of flavors and textures.
    Keyword mesclun mix, salad, spring salad
    Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


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