Vegan Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie

A vegan treat that’s wonderfully easy to throw together while still looking like you picked it up at the nearest bake shop! And it tastes like it, too!

How To Make Oven Roasted Acorn Squash

When I was a kid, almost so far back that it’s less of a memory and more of a feeling, my mom, grandma, and I would go out to dinner about once a week. Usually, it was either one of two places: the Old Country Buffet and Governors Restaurant in South Portland, Maine.

I can’t help but smile just typing “Governors”, because of all of the dreamy childhood nostalgia it brings. In reality, I think it was probably just a washed-up diner… but you gotta understand, they had this pie case.

The pie case stood at least five or six feet tall and was constructed from glass. The case had rotating tiers, all of which held different pies. As Little Riann, I remember there being at least 100 pies… Lemon meringue, rhubarb, blueberry, pumpkin. There were huge pies and mini pies. Some missing pieces, some clearly fresh out of the oven. You could even buy an entire pie on your way out to take home- although I never managed to convince my mom of this clearly-necessary purchase.

My grandmother was always (and still is) a dessert person, no matter how full she may be. If there’s some cookie, cake, or pastry offered after a meal… She’ll take it. Luckily, I managed to inherit that gene.

She was my partner in crime when it came to wearing my mom down until she finally gave in to ordering two pieces of pie and a “hot coffee, black” for herself. Let me be clear, though, if I even so much as thought about putting my fork down… She’d have it in her clutches and finish my slice. I think sometimes she wanted us to convince her to stay, just so she felt like she had a valid reason to indulge her own sweet tooth.

All this to say- Governors had the best chocolate cream pie of all time- and I don’t believe anyone will ever be able to top it… Although I must say, it hasn’t been for lack of trying.

As I’ve grown into adulthood and ditched the dairy, I’ve, of course, had to adapt my deep urge to eat absolutely everything that looks delicious immediately to a more… controlled approach. You know, checking ingredients and all.

Our chocolate coconut cream pie is an incredible dairy-free option for those chocolate lovers who want to have their pie and eat it, too- lactose-free!

A vegan food journal with fresh, delicious recipes.

Hello, I'm Denise.

I love to eat, garden, travel, and do yin yoga! I make plant-based recipes and photograph them from my 1920’s, remodeled apartment in Rhode Island. I've always loved fresh basil. Put some fresh basil leaves on a piece of cardboard, drizzle on a little olive oil and sea salt, and I'd be tempted to eat it! ❤️

Peach Cobbler

Reasons You’ll Love this Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie

So many reasons, but here are a few!

      • Simple and easy while looking professionally made! Every time I decide to make this recipe, I’m reminded how truly simple and fast it is to throw together, yet somehow manages to come out looking better than desserts I’ve spent hours trying to perfect.
      • It will cure your chocolate craving and then some! This chocolate coconut cream pie is so rich and decadent that you’re left feeling like you ate the fanciest chocolate bar known to man. Just when you think it might be a bit too much- it’s washed away with our homemade coconut whipped cream. It really doesn’t get much better than that.
      • Completely dairy-free and vegan! Even if you may not skip out on dairy yourself, it’s always nice to have a recipe hanging around that meets most of your potential guests’ dietary restrictions! You can comfortably bring this pie to any family gathering or work party and feel confident knowing everyone can enjoy your creation.
      • Birthday Pie? Say no more! I’m sure you can relate, but in my own experience, there are quite a few people out there who prefer pie to cake… especially on their birthday. I love to bake for my family and friends on holidays, and when it comes to birthdays, I always ask: Would you like a birthday cake or a birthday pie? And when it comes to birthday pies, this chocolate coconut cream pie is my go-to. It’s easy to decorate and holds up well against a few candles- not to mention how easy it is to store.
    Peach Cobbler

    Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie Recipe Equipment

    Gather up your equipment before you start to bake!

      • Double Boiler – A double boiler is essential whenever you’re warming up temperature-sensitive ingredients that require gentle, indirect heat (chocolate is a prime example). You can purchase one or make your own simply using a medium-sized pot and heatproof bowl. The bowl will be resting on top of the pot. It should not fall in – it should be larger thant the pot.
      • Pie dish – We use a 10 ½” ceramic pie dish. However, use whatever you have on hand.
      • Stand mixer or hand mixer – You’ll need a stand mixer or hand mixer for the vegan whipped cream.
      • Blender – A high speed blender is great here to blend the pie filling.
      • Whisk – A good, sturdy whisk helps whip up the cashew cream
      • Heart moulds (optional) – We use an inexpensive silicone mould here.
      • Grater (optional, used for shaved chocolate topping) – Makes shaving the chocolate onto the pie filling easier!
    How To Make Oven Roasted Acorn Squash

    Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie Ingredients

    Quality ingredients make this Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie shine!

     1. Pie-Filling Ingredients

      • Full-fat coconut milk, room temperature and shaken – Coconut milk makes your pie filling smooth and creamy.
      • Chocolate chips – Chocolate chips are at the heart of this filling. We use Enjoy Life Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate – it’s vegan, nut-free, and gluten-free.
      • Cashew butter Cashew butter makes the chocolate filling smooth, thick, and creamy.
      • Cocoa powder – Amps up the chocolate flavor.
      • Coffee – Balances out the chocolate flavors.
      • Salt – Kicks everything up a notch or two!

     2. Chocolate Hearts Ingredients

      • Coconut Oil – Adds a smoothness to the chocolate hearts.
      • Chocolate chips – We use Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips. They are vegan, nut-free, and gluten-free.

     3. Homemade Vegan Pie Crust You can use a store-bought crust or follow our easy-to-make vegan pie crust recipe. It goes together in about ten minutes and is much, much less expensive than buying a premade pie crust from the market.

    4. Homemade Coconut Whipped Cream The perfect coconut whipped cream is SO easy to make – it adds another level of creaminess and richness to your chocolate coconut cream pie. Make it the day you make your pie, and then refrigerate the assembled pie.

    Basil Fried Rice

    Prepare Your Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie Ingredients for Assembly

    Premake the vegan pie crust, chocolate hearts, and cashew butter. We often do this the day before. Make the coconut whipped cream and pie filling the day you are making the pie.

    Step 1. Bake the Pie Crust first! Whether you make your own or use store-bought, make sure you bake the shell with either pie weights or some dried beans in the bottom for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees. This will be the only baking required, luckily!

    Step 2. Make the Chocolate Hearts 
      • Set up your double boiler (which you can keep out because we’ll be using it again in just a minute!) Heat and melt chocolate chips in your double boiler. Add coconut oil if you prefer a creamier consistency, but it’s unnecessary! Pour your chocolate hearts! They’ll “set” while we handle the filling.
      • Have your heart moulds on a cutting board, so they’re easy to transport.
      • Pour warm chocolate into heart molds, lightly tapping the mold’s sides to ensure all bubbles rise to the surface.
      • Freeze for 30 minutes to 1 hour, and they’re good to go!

    Step 3.  Make Coconut Whipped CreamMake your coconut whipped cream the day you make your pie. It’s super simple to make and comes together in about 10 minutes. You can use store-bought in a pinch or if you are running short on time.

    Step 4.  Make the Cashew Butter If you’re making your own butter try out our easy recipe. If you’re using store-bought cashew butter or have some already pre-made, don’t worry about it! Sit down, and take a break! You deserve it!

    Step 5. Make the Chocolate Filling Using Your Double Boiler
      • Coconut milk – Make sure your coconut milk is at room temperature and well shaken.
      • Assemble the double boiler – Begin melting chocolate chips. Whisking occasionally to make sure all of the chips are melting easily.
      • Add milk – Add milk to melted chocolate chips and whisk them together.
      • Pour in blender – Pour your warm chocolate coconut cream filling into your blender.
      • Add cashew butter, cocoa, vanilla, coffee, and salt to a blender.
      • Blend – Blend all ingredients together until smooth and creamy!
      • Pour filling– Pour into your pre-baked pie shell, cover, and freeze for 1 hour.
    Basil Fried Rice

    Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie Assembly and Decoration

    Time to make it beautiful! At this point, you should have your pre-baked pie crust, pie filling, homemade coconut whipped cream, and chocolate hearts ready for quick assembly.

      • Place your pre-baked pie crust on your work surface – Give yourself some room to start assembling the ingredients.
      • Pour your filling into your pre-baked pie shell, and freeze! This should only take about an hour, and once it’s finished setting, it’ll stay that way! We promise you don’t need to worry about your filling melting at room temperature!
      • Scoop on your coconut whipped cream – Feel free to be creative here- there is absolutely no wrong answer to how you put whipped cream and chocolate on top of a pie. I like covering the pie in whipped cream peaks, with the most prominent peak lying in the center.
      • Pop on the chocolate hearts – Pop a few of our chocolate hearts on the outer edges to dictate pieces and where to cut. I also sometimes throw one in the middle for good measure!
      • Dust on grated chocolate – Feel free to use a grater and shave one of your chocolate hearts over top of the pie, or even toast a few coconut flakes if you have them around! So worth it.
      • Chill your pie – From here, chill your pie in the fridge or freeze it after you cover it in cling wrap. When you remove the pie from the freezer, it only takes a couple of minutes for it to warm up enough to eat it. Cold, chocolate-y, smoother, and refreshing with a cup of coffee or tea!
    Basil Fried Rice

    Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie Tips and Tricks

    Two of these ingredients can be made ahead of time!

      • Prebake your Homemade Vegan Pie Shell This is super simple to do. Make your pie shell a day or two before. You can freeze it or refrigerate it.
      • Premake your Cashew Butter The cashew butter will be added to the chocolate filling on the baking day.
      • Make the Coconut Whipped Cream the same day you make your pie –  The coconut whipped cream is best to use right after it’s been made.
      • Use different decorations! You can use nuts, roasted coconut, or fresh berries for variety.
    Basil Fried Rice

    How to Serve Your Vegan Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie

      • A warm mug of coffee or tea hits the spot every time.
      • Straight from the pie dish with a fork when you wake up in the middle of the night and remember you have chocolate cream pie in the fridge.
      • As dessert after any of our dinner recipes

    If you decide to try out the Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie recipe, feel free to let me know if the comments below. Enjoy!

    Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie

    Vegan Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie

    Denise Keniston - Basil Lover
    A vegan treat that’s wonderfully easy to throw together while still looking like you picked it up at the nearest bake shop! And it tastes like it, too!
    5 from 1 vote
    Prep Time 20 minutes
    Cook Time 20 minutes
    Make pie crust ahead of time 50 minutes


    • Double Boiler – A double boiler is essential whenever you’re warming up temperature-sensitive ingredients that require gentle, indirect heat (chocolate is a prime example). You can purchase one or make your own simply using a medium-sized pot and heatproof bowl. The bowl will be resting on top of the pot. It should not fall in – it should be larger thant the pot.
    • Pie dish – We use a 10 ½” ceramic pie dish. However, use whatever you have on hand.
    • Stand mixer or hand mixer – You’ll need a stand mixer or hand mixer for the vegan whipped cream.
    • Blender – A high speed blender is great here to blend the pie filling.
    • Whisk – A good, sturdy whisk helps whip up the cashew cream
    • Heart moulds (optional) – We use an inexpensive silicone mould here.
    • Grater (optional, used for shaved chocolate topping) – Makes shaving the chocolate onto the pie filling easier!


    Pie Filling

    • 1 3/4 cups Vegan chocolate chips
    • 1 1/4 cup Coconut milk
    • 1/2 cup Cashew butter
    • 5 tbsp Cocoa
    • 1 1/4 tsp Canilla
    • 1 tsp Coffee
    • dash Sea salt

    Chocolate Hearts

    • 1 cup Chocolate chips

    Coconut Whipped Cream


    • Bake the Pie Crust first! Whether you make your own or use store-bought, make sure you bake the shell with either pie weights or some dried beans in the bottom for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees. This will be the only baking required, luckily!

    2. Make the Chocolate Hearts 

    • Set up your double boiler (which you can keep out because we’ll be using it again in just a minute!) Heat and melt chocolate chips in your double boiler. Add coconut oil if you prefer a creamier consistency, but it’s unnecessary!
    • Have your heart molds sitting on a cutting board so they’re easy to transport.Pour warm chocolate into heart molds, lightly tapping the mold’s sides to ensure all bubbles rise to the surface.
    • Freeze for 30 minutes to 1 hour, and they’re good to go!

    3. Make Coconut Whipped Cream 

    • Chill the two cans of coconut cream. The liquid will separate naturally from the solid.
    • Scoop out the solid from the can and mix or whip until you can see peaks.
    • Add vanilla.
    • Slowly add powdered sugar.
    • Refrigerate immediately until it’s time to use.

    4. Make Chocolate Cream Pie Filling

    • Assemble the double boiler and begin melting chocolate chips. Whisking occasionally to make sure all of the chips are melting easily
    • Make sure coconut milk is at room temperature and well shaken.
    • Add milk to melted chocolate chips and whisk them together
    • Pour your warm chocolate coconut cream filling into your blender.
    • Add cashew butter, cocoa, vanilla, coffee, and salt to a blender. Blend all ingredients together until smooth and creamy!
    • Pour into your pre-baked pie shell, cover, and freeze for 1 hour.

    5. Assembly and Decorations

    • Time to make it beautiful! At this point, you should have your pre-baked pie crust, pie filling, homemade coconut whipped cream, and chocolate hearts ready for quick assembly.
    • Place your pre-baked pie crust on your work surface – Give yourself some room to start assembling the ingredients.
    • Pour your filling into your pre-baked pie shell, and freeze! This should only take about an hour, and once it’s finished setting, it’ll stay that way! We promise you don’t need to worry about your filling melting at room temperature!
    • Scoop on your coconut whipped cream – Feel free to be creative here- there is absolutely no wrong answer to how you put whipped cream and chocolate on top of a pie. I like covering the pie in whipped cream peaks, with the most prominent peak lying in the center.
    • Pop on the chocolate hearts – Pop a few of our chocolate hearts on the outer edges to dictate pieces and where to cut. I also sometimes throw one in the middle for good measure!
    • Dust on grated chocolate – Feel free to use a grater and shave one of your chocolate hearts over top of the pie, or even toast a few coconut flakes if you have them around! So worth it.
    • Chill your pie – From here, chill your pie in the fridge or freeze it after you cover it in cling wrap. When you remove the pie from the freezer, it only takes a couple of minutes for it to warm up enough to eat it. Cold, chocolate-y, smoother, and refreshing with a cup of coffee or tea!


    Premake the pie crust, chocolate hearts, and cashew butter. We often do this the day before. Make the coconut whipped cream and pie filling the day you are making the pie.
    Keyword chocolate coconut cream pie, chocolate cream pie, vegan chocolate coconut cream pie
    Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


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